County Convention
Your local county convention is a yearly meeting when all of the county delegates gather to conduct party business each year.
This year, county delegates at the Utah County Democratic Party will be voting to elect new county party leadership as well as hearing from state party leadership candidates.
All county delegates will vote for State Party Leadership at state convention on May 31st, but we will vote for county party leadership at the county convention.
May 17th, 2025
Utah County Health and Justice Building
151 South University Avenue
Provo, Utah 84601
(Rooms 1600-1601)
10:00 AM
Pre-register with the link below!
County Party Leadership Candidates
The Utah County Democratic Party will be electing officers to serve on the party's Executive Committee at the County Convention.
Available Positions
• Chair
• Vice-Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• House District Leadership
1. Resident of Utah County
2. Registered to Vote in the State of Utah
3. Registered as a member of the Democratic Party
If you would like to serve in one of the Utah County Democratic Party Leadership roles, please click the "Leadership Registration" button below. (To see who has already signed up, click here.)
Pre-register to be a candidate for a county party leadership position with the link below!